ok fuck it
i aint done a blog in forever
i miss it
here goes
god josh is gonna be 2 soon
how fucking scary is that?
in case you forgot what i look like
heres my sexy fat body
life is going ok
i have finished my foundation degree in electrical engineering
im still working at st thomas hospital
it makes the day go so much quicker with so many good looking nurses about
its been 10 years since i had corrective surgery to fix my deformed face
i still have really bad confidence issues with how i look, i cant understand why a girl would smile at me
maybe one day it will sink in that my face isnt abnormal anymore
im the proudest dad in the world with josh
its almost unfair how good looking this kid is
hes really sporty and so smart, he sits with me at the gym and watched me do weights, it makes me chuckle when he comes to wrestling class and he messes around with big scary russian and iranian wrestlers
so how is everyone? sorry i have been so quiet but had alot on my mind
ok to lower the tone
who wants to see me naked?
i aint done a blog in forever
i miss it
here goes
god josh is gonna be 2 soon
how fucking scary is that?

in case you forgot what i look like

heres my sexy fat body

life is going ok
i have finished my foundation degree in electrical engineering
im still working at st thomas hospital
it makes the day go so much quicker with so many good looking nurses about
its been 10 years since i had corrective surgery to fix my deformed face
i still have really bad confidence issues with how i look, i cant understand why a girl would smile at me
maybe one day it will sink in that my face isnt abnormal anymore
im the proudest dad in the world with josh
its almost unfair how good looking this kid is
hes really sporty and so smart, he sits with me at the gym and watched me do weights, it makes me chuckle when he comes to wrestling class and he messes around with big scary russian and iranian wrestlers

so how is everyone? sorry i have been so quiet but had alot on my mind
ok to lower the tone
who wants to see me naked?
I did hear that they were filming a US version of Rec.
As you are clearly a veritable man mountain, I was wondering if you could offer some advice? My man is trying to bulk up, he's working out loads but seem's to have plateaud. So basically what's the best way to build muscle? how much do you have to work out? did you take beefcafe supliments what would you advise?