so how is everyone?
had a massive family party yesterday
was my neice gracies christening
i forgot what a big fucking family i had

im the godfather!!
my neice leyla

me and my big brother tony

my neice lauren

sunday was the first day i have had off in about 6 weeks
i shoud be really rich with all the extra work im doing but all it has done is clear all my debts
its quite a refreshing feeling knowing i owe nobody anything
josh had a great time dancing about
he has my dancing ability
how cute does he look in his little suit?

yes he has a little blankie that goes everywhere with him
im working yet again this saturday and sunday
working 7 days a week doing 10-12 hour days is not fun
but needs must
i just purchased rambo on the way home
fuck yeah
How are things with you? The shifts sound knightmarish but it'll be worth it if you clear your debts.
take care