josh is sending out all his chocolate covered kisses to you

hes got the best appetite ive ever seen on a baby
he just loves his meat and vegetables
i went out last to my sisters nightclub
i worked there from the ages of 16 to about 23
i have been out to plenty of bars lately but not been to a proper nightclub in a good few years
god im old
i just kept wanting them to turn the music down
dirty sanchez was there performing on stage
(there like the welsh version of jackass)
drugs are bad mmkay!
i bumped into my ex girlfriend at the club as well. i hadnt seen her in about 5 years but i swaer to god shes got taller! holly is mixed race, 6,1 when i was dating her with massive boobs. my taste is either really tall or really short mixed race girls. tasha is 4,11. it was so funny having holly standing beside me in high heels at 6,4 and tasha at 5,1 in heels either side of me. im only 5,9. i suppose a threesome was out of the question?
i was totally laid up with an infection last week. i had a filling done about 6 months ago but it never set right. it broke last week and i got an abcess in my jaw. i then got a secondary infection of my throat which knocked the bollocks out of me. ive dropped about 14lbs with all the drugs i got put into me.
wrestling is going pretty good, im starting to get cauliflower ears which is super attractive!!!!

hes got the best appetite ive ever seen on a baby
he just loves his meat and vegetables
i went out last to my sisters nightclub
i worked there from the ages of 16 to about 23
i have been out to plenty of bars lately but not been to a proper nightclub in a good few years
god im old
i just kept wanting them to turn the music down
dirty sanchez was there performing on stage
(there like the welsh version of jackass)

drugs are bad mmkay!
i bumped into my ex girlfriend at the club as well. i hadnt seen her in about 5 years but i swaer to god shes got taller! holly is mixed race, 6,1 when i was dating her with massive boobs. my taste is either really tall or really short mixed race girls. tasha is 4,11. it was so funny having holly standing beside me in high heels at 6,4 and tasha at 5,1 in heels either side of me. im only 5,9. i suppose a threesome was out of the question?
i was totally laid up with an infection last week. i had a filling done about 6 months ago but it never set right. it broke last week and i got an abcess in my jaw. i then got a secondary infection of my throat which knocked the bollocks out of me. ive dropped about 14lbs with all the drugs i got put into me.
wrestling is going pretty good, im starting to get cauliflower ears which is super attractive!!!!
i will win the battle for my nails! i promise!
Stupid nervous me! lol
so cute this lil boy!