happy new year people
how did you spend it?
i was tucked up in bed by 10pm being s boring fucker
god im getting old
im back to work in the morning which im not looking forward to
god why cant i just win the lottery
the only good thing is i have a weeks annual holiday i have to use by february otherwise i will lose it
click here if you wanna see some hot naked guys
how did you spend it?
i was tucked up in bed by 10pm being s boring fucker
god im getting old
im back to work in the morning which im not looking forward to
god why cant i just win the lottery
the only good thing is i have a weeks annual holiday i have to use by february otherwise i will lose it
click here if you wanna see some hot naked guys
its back to the gym tomorrow
god its gonna hurt
just got my tickets to go see henry rollins
cant wait mother fuckers
i have been enjoying some retail therapy buying some powertools
god im uberman
something not alot of people dont know about me
one of my ancestors help found what is now sinn fein
i guess from the upbringing i have had its the reason why i always support the freedom fighters
tell me a boring fact not alot of people know about you
I worked in the cab, ferrying pissed fucking rude wankers from one house to another last night. Still, I earned ok money so it was just about worth it. Managed to get home for a quick 10 minute break just in time to see the new year in with my favourite being; Tessie. Bless her, she was curled up on the sofa when I burst in giving her lots of hugs and kisses!!
I like the sentiments of a new year and all the reflection and hopes and dreams it encourages us to think about for the new year, but the booze and downright fucking arsehole behaviour of the masses out there totally ruins it for me. I think you did the right thing by staying home chick.
Boring fact about me; I dunno; I used to play the flute, and pretty well too
Anyway, better go, I need chocolate
But, I did manage to find a rather lush strawberry probiotic yoghurt from M&S no less! So I've scoffed that, and my conscience is clear too, bonus!
I've got such a headache though, gonna go to bed in a minute.
Nunite sweetheart.