some drunken irish christmas music for you
i hope everyone had a good one
im finally just breaking the flu ive had for 2 weeks
i got lost season 3 and heroes season 1 on dvd
guitar hero 3 was an early christmas present and i think it may be laced with heroin its so addictive
tasha is also getting me a hd dvd player for my xbox
january is bringing a pay rise with work which im extremely looking forward to
im back to training january 2nd
had a month off and its killing me
im joining a new weights gym and also going back to my thai boxing, brazilian jiu jitsu and wrestling classes
god its gonna kill me
big hugs from joshua
one final note
im sorry but i found the new set from wendy set disgusting, why would sg post such an offensive set on christmas day? would they allow such a horrible set mocking the jewish or islamic religion?
fuck no
why is it ok to mock the christian religion?
i hope everyone had a good one
im finally just breaking the flu ive had for 2 weeks
i got lost season 3 and heroes season 1 on dvd
guitar hero 3 was an early christmas present and i think it may be laced with heroin its so addictive
tasha is also getting me a hd dvd player for my xbox
january is bringing a pay rise with work which im extremely looking forward to
im back to training january 2nd
had a month off and its killing me
im joining a new weights gym and also going back to my thai boxing, brazilian jiu jitsu and wrestling classes
god its gonna kill me
big hugs from joshua
one final note
im sorry but i found the new set from wendy set disgusting, why would sg post such an offensive set on christmas day? would they allow such a horrible set mocking the jewish or islamic religion?
fuck no
why is it ok to mock the christian religion?
What you up to?