the destroyer has come!!!!

you want me

feed me bitch

sexual tyrannosaurus

he looks alot like the postman
ok how is everyone???
this week i have mostly been eating
corn beef hash with cheese omelettes
beef jerkey
red bull
spag bol
god im getting fat
i was a complete arsehole at the gym tonight
i had it planned that because england was playing football tonight the gym would be quiet so i could go in and do squats in peace and quiet
there is only one squat rack in the place
i get in and some arsehole is hogging it whilst trying to impress his bimbo girlfriend
i have no problem with people being on the equipment, just dont waste my motherfucking time
go and impress your gutterslut bitch at a nightclub or something
hes really showing off with what he can lift with crappy form
i ask if i can work in with him
i proceed to embaress him
im such a prick
although it was fun taking a little bit of his soul mugging him off in front of his woman
this is SPARTA!!!!!
I'm not too bad thank you. Had an ok day (better than expected) and I've just watched The Departed, which was pretty good. Definitely a boys film so I'd recommend it!
Just been listening to that song that guy left on my blog, it's stunning so I'm gonna listen to it again!
I'm pretty bored now and thinking maybe I should just go to bed. Heroes is on at 9 and its something me and the boy watched religiously every week together. I'm not sure I'm up to watching it alone. Now I'm getting upset, sorry x