transformers the movie
it fucking rocked
someone went back in time and emptied my eight year old brain out and gave it 150 million dollars to make a movie
megan fox looks like a complete bitch but i would like to perform nasty porn sex to her anus
had my first physio session last
why did the physio chick have to be hot
were talking
5ft tall
great arse
mixed race
trained body
fuck yeah
and i have to spend an hour a week with this woman for the next six weeks?
my private health care rocks
im thinking of buying a new car next year
im undecided
i have a citroen c3 at the moment which is great as i get 50 to the gallon but im gonna upgrade it to the c4 or c5 as its a bitch getting joshes buggy into the car.
anyway so im gonna be upgrading the family wagon but im considering getting myself my own fuck off car
its down to the ford mustang or the landrover defender
the ford mustang

its a 4.0 litre v8 and its a year old
23 thousand pounds (any american reading just double it to convert it to dollars, so a 23 grand car to me is a 46 grand car to you)
i took it for a spin and my penis kinda dribbled in my pants driving it
i cant stand typical fast and the furious cars
i could never understand the point in buying a shitty 2 grand car and spending 20 grand on it
i would rather bu a 22 grand car
i want a muscle car that gets really shitty mileage and runs on the brain stem fluid of nearly extinct animals
fuck yeah!!!
the land rover defender
this is the 110 tomb raider
i could pick one of these up second hand for around 16 grand
but im considering a brand new one for 24 grand

my brother used to have one and i fell in love with it
if i won the lottery i would buy myself both but i want one as my treat for my 29th birthday
so come on people
help me choose
it fucking rocked
someone went back in time and emptied my eight year old brain out and gave it 150 million dollars to make a movie
megan fox looks like a complete bitch but i would like to perform nasty porn sex to her anus
had my first physio session last
why did the physio chick have to be hot
were talking
5ft tall
great arse
mixed race
trained body
fuck yeah
and i have to spend an hour a week with this woman for the next six weeks?
my private health care rocks
im thinking of buying a new car next year
im undecided
i have a citroen c3 at the moment which is great as i get 50 to the gallon but im gonna upgrade it to the c4 or c5 as its a bitch getting joshes buggy into the car.
anyway so im gonna be upgrading the family wagon but im considering getting myself my own fuck off car
its down to the ford mustang or the landrover defender
the ford mustang

its a 4.0 litre v8 and its a year old
23 thousand pounds (any american reading just double it to convert it to dollars, so a 23 grand car to me is a 46 grand car to you)
i took it for a spin and my penis kinda dribbled in my pants driving it
i cant stand typical fast and the furious cars
i could never understand the point in buying a shitty 2 grand car and spending 20 grand on it
i would rather bu a 22 grand car
i want a muscle car that gets really shitty mileage and runs on the brain stem fluid of nearly extinct animals
fuck yeah!!!
the land rover defender
this is the 110 tomb raider
i could pick one of these up second hand for around 16 grand
but im considering a brand new one for 24 grand

my brother used to have one and i fell in love with it
if i won the lottery i would buy myself both but i want one as my treat for my 29th birthday
so come on people
help me choose
i loved that movie. i want to see it again. i want that old camaro. i love old cars (i love rx-7s). i don't normally like camaros but one just like that one i do want.
WHERE R U?????????