ok im long overdue an update
how awesome is josh in this video??
he was 16 weeks old today
fatherhood is amazing
i never thought i would love someone as much as i love this little guy
hows everyone been?
i have been pretty shitty this week
last sunday my jaw started to swell up and ache like fuck
i went to the dentist on monday and he told me i had an abcess in my jaw
from the jaw rebuild i had when i was 19
the metal work in my face had got infected
so the dentist tells me that i may need surgery to have all the metal work out as its no longer serving a purpose as all the bones in my face have healed
i do not want surgery
so my training has been shot to shit this week
ive been dosed up on several anti biotics and pain killers
my facial swelling has finally gone down now
my wrestling club got kicked out of our training grounds
my coach is an orthopeadic surgeon
so the last thing he is running the class for is money
he doesnt even charge us to train
but the club we use now all of a sudden wants us to sign three month contracts and shit and pay 3 months rent up front to use the hall
so we bid them fair well
my coach is now gonna start doing weights with me so we will be doing a weights/wrestling session together 3 times a week
fucking awesome
we start this tuesday
i watched 300 yesterday
fucking amazing
directed by the guy who did dawn of the dead and created by the guy who did sin city
pretty much hitting all the points there for me
there was alot of women in the audience who wished they was the queen in the shagging scene getting bent over and having there back doors smashed in by the king
well anyway it motivated me this morning
i decided to get my lazy fat arse out of bed this morning and do some training
heres some video clips of me doing my favourite lift
the deadlift!!!!!!
heres my doing 180kg (396lb) for 3 reps
i do this for 3 sets
this is me doing 210kg (462lb) for a single rep
my record on the deadlift is 245kg (539lb)
thats back when i used to train all the time
i reckon i will be back at that level by the end of the year please god
so how boring where those clips of me doing gay weightlifting?
work is going great im still up at that private hospital
some young nurse keeps flrting with me
why god
so much fucking temptation everywhere
me and tasha are trying to work on things
its real hard because i miss them both so much
i hope i can get my family back together
im spending half the week at my mums and half the week at tashas
were just working on being friends and hopefully things will work from there
enough moping
good night you cunts!!!!
how awesome is josh in this video??
he was 16 weeks old today
fatherhood is amazing
i never thought i would love someone as much as i love this little guy
hows everyone been?
i have been pretty shitty this week
last sunday my jaw started to swell up and ache like fuck
i went to the dentist on monday and he told me i had an abcess in my jaw
from the jaw rebuild i had when i was 19
the metal work in my face had got infected
so the dentist tells me that i may need surgery to have all the metal work out as its no longer serving a purpose as all the bones in my face have healed
i do not want surgery
so my training has been shot to shit this week
ive been dosed up on several anti biotics and pain killers
my facial swelling has finally gone down now
my wrestling club got kicked out of our training grounds
my coach is an orthopeadic surgeon
so the last thing he is running the class for is money
he doesnt even charge us to train
but the club we use now all of a sudden wants us to sign three month contracts and shit and pay 3 months rent up front to use the hall
so we bid them fair well
my coach is now gonna start doing weights with me so we will be doing a weights/wrestling session together 3 times a week
fucking awesome
we start this tuesday
i watched 300 yesterday
fucking amazing
directed by the guy who did dawn of the dead and created by the guy who did sin city
pretty much hitting all the points there for me
there was alot of women in the audience who wished they was the queen in the shagging scene getting bent over and having there back doors smashed in by the king
well anyway it motivated me this morning
i decided to get my lazy fat arse out of bed this morning and do some training
heres some video clips of me doing my favourite lift
the deadlift!!!!!!
heres my doing 180kg (396lb) for 3 reps
i do this for 3 sets
this is me doing 210kg (462lb) for a single rep
my record on the deadlift is 245kg (539lb)
thats back when i used to train all the time
i reckon i will be back at that level by the end of the year please god
so how boring where those clips of me doing gay weightlifting?
work is going great im still up at that private hospital
some young nurse keeps flrting with me
why god
so much fucking temptation everywhere
me and tasha are trying to work on things
its real hard because i miss them both so much
i hope i can get my family back together
im spending half the week at my mums and half the week at tashas
were just working on being friends and hopefully things will work from there
enough moping
good night you cunts!!!!