heya people
how is everyone?

got my phone camera back from repairs and it broke again 2 days later
nokia piece of shit
heres a picture of ugly old me in case any of you forgot what i look like

im finally getting back into my training
after a huge lay off that involved me getting very fat i have finally tried to knickle down and get my man boobs and love handles sorted out
for the past 3 weeks i have done 2 weights sessions and 1 wrestling session
im gonna add another weights session to bring it up to 3 weights sessions a week then im gonna add some more wrestling till im training 6 times a week
tasha took this picture on tuesday
im currently about 220lbs and im 5,8 tall.
as you can see im pretty fucking tubby. i need to lose at least 20lbs.
this time last year i was 185lbs and i really have my work cut out to shed some of my fat rolls.
i hate that my training doesnt include ego muscles, as you can see i have skinny arms and no chest but i could just never see the point in training them. chest and bicep training is for the gays and sailors. where as training legs i love. i could do heavy squatting all day long but bicep curls bore me to tears. i hate those pricks you see at night clubs with tight t shirts on and big arms and chest and nothing else who think theyre tough but have to wear big baggy trousers because there legs are so skinny. i was always taught 2 thirds of your bodies muscles are in your back and legs so thats what you need to train to be strong and athletic, big arms dont mean shit. but then again girls seem to like them so thats maybe where im going wrong. i mean check out my big turnip thighs, not much a turn on for girls. lol

here is my big fat spotty back. admire my lovely sexy love handles and my big old thighs and arse

so hows everyone been?
im having a pretty shitty week.
really need to book a week off soon.
im just fed up.
i did some shopping yesterday. finally got myself the xbox360. got tasha some fucking expensive underwear and joshua some educational dvds. im worried im gonna end up like robert deniro in meet the fockers but i cant wait to start teaching joshua. reading, writing. swmming, music, gymnastics, judo, languages, history.
i know hes 3 months old but goddamn hes my son and this guy is gonna be so fucking awesome when hes older.
tasha is freaking out a little because he keeps getting little hard ons when she is changing him and putting cream on him. the fucking little grin he gets on his face when hes getting his balls creamed is obscene!! thats my boy.
anyway thats my boring little blog for today.
how is everyone?

got my phone camera back from repairs and it broke again 2 days later
nokia piece of shit
heres a picture of ugly old me in case any of you forgot what i look like

im finally getting back into my training
after a huge lay off that involved me getting very fat i have finally tried to knickle down and get my man boobs and love handles sorted out
for the past 3 weeks i have done 2 weights sessions and 1 wrestling session
im gonna add another weights session to bring it up to 3 weights sessions a week then im gonna add some more wrestling till im training 6 times a week
tasha took this picture on tuesday
im currently about 220lbs and im 5,8 tall.
as you can see im pretty fucking tubby. i need to lose at least 20lbs.
this time last year i was 185lbs and i really have my work cut out to shed some of my fat rolls.
i hate that my training doesnt include ego muscles, as you can see i have skinny arms and no chest but i could just never see the point in training them. chest and bicep training is for the gays and sailors. where as training legs i love. i could do heavy squatting all day long but bicep curls bore me to tears. i hate those pricks you see at night clubs with tight t shirts on and big arms and chest and nothing else who think theyre tough but have to wear big baggy trousers because there legs are so skinny. i was always taught 2 thirds of your bodies muscles are in your back and legs so thats what you need to train to be strong and athletic, big arms dont mean shit. but then again girls seem to like them so thats maybe where im going wrong. i mean check out my big turnip thighs, not much a turn on for girls. lol

here is my big fat spotty back. admire my lovely sexy love handles and my big old thighs and arse

so hows everyone been?
im having a pretty shitty week.
really need to book a week off soon.
im just fed up.
i did some shopping yesterday. finally got myself the xbox360. got tasha some fucking expensive underwear and joshua some educational dvds. im worried im gonna end up like robert deniro in meet the fockers but i cant wait to start teaching joshua. reading, writing. swmming, music, gymnastics, judo, languages, history.
i know hes 3 months old but goddamn hes my son and this guy is gonna be so fucking awesome when hes older.
tasha is freaking out a little because he keeps getting little hard ons when she is changing him and putting cream on him. the fucking little grin he gets on his face when hes getting his balls creamed is obscene!! thats my boy.
anyway thats my boring little blog for today.

even when I'm not