just got a new drill
im so happy
i want to kill people with it
i decided to take the day off today
im up to my ears at work and i needed a fucking break
as some of you know im an electrician but i have now been raised to foreman status so im now running jobs and am in charge of other people
my days are now spent trying to keep people busy while also keeping the client happy
im running a job up in a pirvate hospital at the moment which is a 60 mile drive away from me which is always nice at 5 in the morning
work fucked me over with my wages this month which was kinda annoying
i get 2 wages each month
one is my basic wage and one is my expenses
i got 2000 quid into my account as my normal wage but i didnt receive 800 on my expenses
apparently there is a problem with internet banking so they finally agreed to send me out a check instead.
fuck knows how long thats gonna take to clear.
im really enjoying the short hair at the moment
the only problem being is i need it cut once a week to maintain it
training is going well
my wrestling is really starting to improve and my weightlifting is starting to creep up again
my diet seems to be revolving around spinach, steak and salmon at the moment. with some green tea to keep me going.
im listening to alot of bloc party in my car
so how is everyone?
Not sure....but if it didnt fit you could just have it for show hehe x
Haha you're probably right.