suffering from some severe depression
just in from training and i know im gonna have a night of insomnia.
my girl is away with her family and ive never felt quite so alone.
i cant remember the reason why i rejoined suicide girls.
im spinning my wheels at training. despite all the effort ive been putting in im the only person who didnt get promoted tonight.
well fuck them.
got my next comp on october the 1st.
i cant wait.
really in the mood to fucking hurt some people.
just in from training and i know im gonna have a night of insomnia.
my girl is away with her family and ive never felt quite so alone.
i cant remember the reason why i rejoined suicide girls.
im spinning my wheels at training. despite all the effort ive been putting in im the only person who didnt get promoted tonight.
well fuck them.
got my next comp on october the 1st.
i cant wait.
really in the mood to fucking hurt some people.