tonight could be the night
i dont mean to get gross but tasha started spotting today and her back pain has got real bad
both her mum and my mum both reckon its gonna happen tonight or the early hours of tomorrow
god im excited
i could be meeting my son real soon
her due date is monday anyway
my internet connection has been down
god how i have missed sg
tasha still hasnt popped yet
the due date is monday
i have my own computer back at last
i have been using tashas computer but i picked up my one from my parents and im setting it up as i type
god how i have missed my hard... Read More
heya people
how is everyone this lovely saturday night?
was up nice and early for college and spent the day drawing circles and squares (ah bless)
i picked up some more stuff from my parents place and brought it round to tashas
picked up alot of my henry rollins books
god i was so into his stuff growing up
spent the... Read More
umm no, no proposals, but lots of amazing sex! my drive has definitely increase back to normal now that i'm no longer on the pill...
Of course that was a quote from Monty! One of my favorite comedies, another being What's up Tiger Lily!
i have had a pretty busy week at work. im getting abit more responsibility now and i guess the pressure is on. i have just had a rise which was pretty sweet but im no way near what i want to be earning. its kinda why im staying on at college even though im a qualified electrician.... Read More
Ehh....typing papers and eating fried chicken. LOL i had class today and just stayed in, too tired to do anything else. I want to go see that movie Happy Feet but I think Im gonna go get it on bootleg so I can laugh at out loud in my own room.
You know, it probably best just to lets those situations pass especialy when your asailant of off their tits on crack. I would'nt even resond to the guy, just dismiss it as the gibbering of an idiot, it may not have been directed at you anyway.
god im so fucking scared
i know tasha is terrified but shes trying not to show it
we where told at the three month scan that there is a possibilty our son will have problems
its gotta be the worst day of my life and for tash as well
ok how is everyone today?
its 10.15 am on a monday morning and i dont have any work today. but its cool because i still get paid.
i have quite a bit of college work to do but i figured i could "browse" suicide girls for a few hours before i do anything.
i have... Read More
You Are Priceless!! I'm not even going to try to top that!! btw- i didn't realize we were competing anyway, i actually had to take notes to remember what i wanted to comment here goes...
We are quite alike in our geek traits.
I think it's very odd that you don't like BJs, i only met one other guy like you. He was
AMAZING in bed, he is currently tied with my boyfriend as the best sex ever and i only
went with him for a couple of weeks!!
Do you have blue eyes cause in the pic with the light on your head they could be....
I am SO seeing HOT FUZZ when it comes out, i'm sure to bust a gut!!!!
if no one else has the stamina to read through all of your journals, rest assured that i will because i am very entertained by them. It's a shame you don't get paid for writing them they're quite good.
time for a massive blog update
i have alot of new pictures to bore you with and also my mum dug out my old baby book and seeing as my first born son is due in less than a month i thought you all might want to get to know what i was like as a baby?
Thanks for that link, I'm definately adding the book to my reading list. It seens extrodinary that babies inherit their intelligence purel;y from their mothers. Very interresting, it could have some worring conotations very Brave New World. Actually if you've read the original Brave New World Revisited has interresting insights into how Huxleys visions actually came into fruition, it was written in the 80's but it still scarily apt.
I don't know how its possible that I've never seen American Histoy X.
Yeah, stop being a racialist at the risk of sounding ignorant what is that clip from?
My Christmas list mostly consits of books, I haven't bought any in a while but a kind soul got me a couple off my wishlist. What are you reading at the moment? I've been a bit lapse with reading recently I have three books on the go at the moment.
That book sounds great, I may have to get it. I've always wanted to create a superrace. I currently reading Slaughterhouse 5, Rogue States - Noam Chomsky and The Magus of Srovogus - the extrodinary life of a spiritual healer.... hmm eclectic
Well done to tash, brave woman, only gas and air??? wow!!!
Awww, ur gonna be great parents, so happy for both of you guys
kate xx