skipped out of evening classes with my brother and di some retail therapy.
needed some books for work but i also picked up world war z!!!
fuck i cant wait to read it.
we then watched children of men
without doubt one of my favourite films that ive seen in a long while.

so hows everyone?
god its 3 weeks and counting since i havent...
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i know.... surreal
I bought a book on my way to NYC today... Life of Pi....i heard about it all over the place but never thought about it when shopping for books...i think airports are my fav place to pick out a new title. i seem to pick an amazing read each time...
went to the ADCC submission wrestling championships in london on sunday
was so pissed i wasnt competing
i just didnt have enough time to train hard enough
tasha came with me
she enjoyed watching all the semi naked brazliian men wrestling with each other with very little on.

had a real shitty day at work today. was up at 4.30am and got given the wrong...
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I'd have a menargery if I could, I'd love some ferrets they're so much fun but my Jack Russel would probably terrorise them tongue I'm also alleric to most things furry.

I did kick boxing for a while but had to move before my first grading. Martial arts are the only form of exercise I enjoy but then I do need someone to shout at me to move my ass. There should be plenty of good places to train localy, I need to look into it.

I hope your snake turns up.
why do you wish you'd been there?
when i watched my son on the doctors camera when my gf was pregnant we both commented on how it is a fully grown little person there
its not some little tadpole like how pro abortionists make it out to be
i agree with contraception but i dont agree with abortion being used as another form of contraception.
to be honest it fucking disgusts me...
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The man-nipples are the most painful...aparently, god help you wink
I live in South east london, good luck with the baby.

So, let me get this right....you're saying that if your child had Downs Syndrome you would have aborted because the child would have had, to quote you ,"no quality of life" but you think its a 'lazy' agument for a woman to decide to abort because 'it wouldn't fit in to her life'...as if its a new handbag?
To address the first point..how dare you get all sanctimoniuos with me when you obviously dont have the first idea about the quality of life that a Downs Syndrome person will have.
Have you not researched this at all?
And to take your second point, my own experience with regard to the long nights trying to find alternate solutions and the hard thought that went into a decision to either abort or not can hardly be termed lazy.
I have no wish to discuss my friends personal experiences with you.
They are private and are things that they have to live with for the rest of their lives.
However if you cannot handle people expressing their opposing opinions to you i suggest that you don't put your intentionally emotive posts in a public blog.

my blog for today
okie dokie
well im going to my wrestling class at 5pm
damn im missing it

had some amazing news yesterday
got accepted on the computer aided design course
im already doing an electrical and electronice engineering course so in two years time baby im gonna be pure bank!

so hows everyone anyway?
fuck ive got home and my snake has escaped from its tank
fuck fuck fuck
found the bastard under my computer

ok heres my song for tonight
i love this song and couldnt get it out of my head about 18 months ago
huh james? your blog comment on my journal makes no sense!
those 3 words are said to much
but not enough

spendng time with my girl reminds me how lucky i am.
i always thought i was gonna be alone, i have been alone all my life. i found natasha and the other part of my life that was missing fitted into place.
our baby is due soon. i cant wiat to be a family with...
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im so depressed tonight
depression badly
cant get out of this funk
worked all day and came home to just my computer
couldnt see my girl because i have to be up at 4am for work.
i get so down. just cant handle it.
well i guess its time for an update

thanks for all the kind words people over my last post. made me feel alot better.

anyway where was we?
got a phone call today from my bosses at 2pm asking me if i can work saturday and sunday on a deadline to get 4 houses finished before monday. the job is a 160 mile round trip...
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well my girlfreind had her scan
she was 7 months and one day
fucking scary times
weve been through so much in this pregnancy
at the 3 month scan the doctors told us the baby had down syndrome because the baby had a thick neck
the tests came back negative on the chromosone count
the doctors then said the baby must have a heart problem...
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WOW congratulations!! i'm sure everything will work out just fine. from what i hear it is very normal for both of you to be super anxious, honestly i really hate doctors, they seem to always be wrong! make sure you keep us all posted on all the details!!
p.s. i hate bullies!! you're adorable heart and soul! kiss
so my training has gone to shit
i took the stitches out of my hand on friday night
the cut is finally starting to close up
im gonna go train tonight after work
see how it feels

im so bummed about college hours
on a tuesday im in from 9am to 8pm so that means i cant do bjj anymore on a tuesday and im...
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weird, it's still monday night here, 10:30pm.
doing good...thanx

training...you mean working out? I have been trying to double up on my exercising, but I have been so busy...as long as I keep a routine of some sort I am happy though

kiss I loved taking out my own stitches...don't know why...I think it felt neat