my feet have been suffering from the itches and now my left leg is bleeding and with respect to science, biology, the natural order of things, and cellular rights, imma let it clot all by itself.
i was driving jon home last nite and i saw something in the road but it didnt register and i ran over it. whatever it was completely destroyed my tire, tearing three huge gashes in the tire. i made it to my old middle school and since i knew nothing of changing tires and even i did jons back and my shoulder would have hindered our abilities from the get go. sooo my dad showed up and he was manic ball of fire and mumbles and gay jokes and jumping around priceless and hysterical repeating what he said like it was some marvolous newstory and he changed the tire in maddness and he wasnt angry. he was just insane. he's a small man with a speech impediment and big heart and loose tongue and while i think his mind is underestimated his brain DOES have some broken bits and untied ends. when he's worked up his mind knows no censure and he can become at best, ammusing, at worst, terriblely annoying and unmanagable. he can chill and relax sometimes but mostly for the last 10 years of his life he's been in a constant state of fever and electro shock. but without ranting about personal histories i will tell you the tire was changed successfully and on monday after the ice has melted i will be buying 4 brand new tires and this episode will be tucked away FOREVER. thank you and good day
i was driving jon home last nite and i saw something in the road but it didnt register and i ran over it. whatever it was completely destroyed my tire, tearing three huge gashes in the tire. i made it to my old middle school and since i knew nothing of changing tires and even i did jons back and my shoulder would have hindered our abilities from the get go. sooo my dad showed up and he was manic ball of fire and mumbles and gay jokes and jumping around priceless and hysterical repeating what he said like it was some marvolous newstory and he changed the tire in maddness and he wasnt angry. he was just insane. he's a small man with a speech impediment and big heart and loose tongue and while i think his mind is underestimated his brain DOES have some broken bits and untied ends. when he's worked up his mind knows no censure and he can become at best, ammusing, at worst, terriblely annoying and unmanagable. he can chill and relax sometimes but mostly for the last 10 years of his life he's been in a constant state of fever and electro shock. but without ranting about personal histories i will tell you the tire was changed successfully and on monday after the ice has melted i will be buying 4 brand new tires and this episode will be tucked away FOREVER. thank you and good day
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