i'm back from portugal. the holiday was fantastic even if it rained for a few days. we stayed in porto the first night which was pretty scummy actually, lots of derelict buildings and graffiti everywhere. we then drove to the coast to our lovely villa. spent time visiting the deour valley, lovely markets and old roman towns. there was also a little cafe about 5...
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my holiday starts tomorrow - 2 whole weeks in portugal. i can't wait.
happy new year. hope you all have a good one.
i didnt!!! but i am there. terror and hatebreed playing again
have u seen job for a cowboy?? they are fucking awesum & are all under 19!! have a super fannytastic weekend dude x.

i'm off til xmas now! woot!! looking forward to going to london again next week. i'm getting tattooed at blood brothers on saturday.
today is my birthday. i've passed my grading in aikido and walls of jericho were fucking amazing last week. all in all, i'm having a good week.
hatebreed was fucking sweet and it was nice to see a good pit for a change (unlike slayer). apart from being punched in the face on my new piercing, i had a blast!! nearly wetting my pants with excitment about 2moro.....cum say hi if u see me!

no way.....u were having breakfast wen we came in werent u!! NNNOOOOO now uv seeen me looking hagard, no make up and glasses!!!!
did u have fun?? ....and fucking hell that breakfast was shite!! x.

hello all, just thought i'd update you on the progress of my new sleeve. i had the outline done last week and should be booking in for some colour in the next couple of weeks. it's looking good so far!
ps, it's my birthday soon so i expect lots of presents off you all.
pps, walls of jericho in 2 weeks.
ps, it's my birthday soon so i expect lots of presents off you all.
pps, walls of jericho in 2 weeks.

wow its so weird you look so 'normal' in your new pic hehe
what you after for your birthday?come up here&i'll take you out ;]
what you after for your birthday?come up here&i'll take you out ;]
everyone should rush out and get the new WALLS OF JERICHO album. i got it today and it's killer.
NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! ..they can't split up.... right i'm getting hold of Adam...... i wont allow it to happen!!
..go to roadrunner, or hatebreeds myspace page and they have the dates of the tour on there. think its only about 5 shows they are doing.
..go to roadrunner, or hatebreeds myspace page and they have the dates of the tour on there. think its only about 5 shows they are doing.

hello how much do u like the mighty boosh? cos i bet i like it more than u

this must be my first update for aaaaaages! (not that anyone is bothered i'm guessing)
i went to see guns n roses last night in birmingham. fuck, they were better than i'd ever hoped they would be. axl was on top form and his voice was wicked. i'm so happy to have seen them at long last. guns n roses were the very first band...
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i went to see guns n roses last night in birmingham. fuck, they were better than i'd ever hoped they would be. axl was on top form and his voice was wicked. i'm so happy to have seen them at long last. guns n roses were the very first band...
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psh lucky bastard, the only gig ive got coming up at the mo is rancid,
buuuuuuuut i am going to amsterdamn in a few weeks
buuuuuuuut i am going to amsterdamn in a few weeks

hello everyone. happy new year etc. i trust you all had a good one? whatever you were doing it was probably better than mine! i had to work new years day at 6am so i went to bed at 10pm new years evc! rock n' roll or what!!
there is only a few more days to go before i see nick cave live. i can't...
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there is only a few more days to go before i see nick cave live. i can't...
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Thanx! I ♥ my funny ears! 

possibly the quirkiest and best band in the uk right now. Go listen to them NOW!!!
possibly the quirkiest and best band in the uk right now. Go listen to them NOW!!!
eeek it's you! you're all over the tinternet you are...like a jaunty little Christmas elf spreading the cyber luuurve! hehe hope you're having ace festivities and all that

yeah! good to see you on here
had a good christmas thanks, pretty low key with lots of family and too much food. Dead good! What about you? Hope you had a goodun and are looking forward to a hardcore new years eve