I had a dream last night. That is I had a dream that I could actually remember some of it. I was on a journey or some kind of oddysey. To where I'm not sure, but it ended at some weird farm. I think I was traveling with my dad but when we got to the main farmhouse there were people in the back yard....
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I'm Excited there is supposed to be a peak in the Orionid meteor showers activity tonight! Anyone interested and in the northern hemisphere should check it out. I want to if I can find someone to watch with me.
Don't place the coins over my eyes
I'm not dead yet
Don't know what I have time for
I'm not dead yet
What can I do to keep life here
I'm not dead yet
I cannot die today I haven't
Outworn my stay.
Don't place the coins over my eyes
I'm not dead yet
Don't know what I have time for
I'm not dead yet
What can I do to keep life here
I'm not dead yet
I cannot die today I haven't
Outworn my stay.