i stayed at a really cool hostel and met some very interesting people. i think i like that whole mode of travelling where youre on your own and more willing to meet new people. i went to Delirium where they had my favorite beer in the world. i was like a kid in a candy store! it was a fun little trip indeed.
now that ive had that experience, i just want to keep traveling! ive been in Amsterdam for almost 2 months and though i really have enjoyed my time here, I just would feel sad if i went back home and only got to see 2 countries! chances are very great that I wont be back in europe for a long while...
some of the people from the hostel were telling me that theyve been taking the train to get around but not reserving tickets because theyre so expensive. they said that although they were always paranoid about getting caught, everything always worked out and they were able to save hundreds of dollars. im contemplating taking the risk and taking the train to either berlin or prague..... but with my luck i would be the one person who did get caught....
i just want to see more of this amazing continent, but since the american dollar is worth practially nothing, it has greatly hindered my ability to do so.
anyone have any insight on all of this? ideas are always welcome!