i officially moved out of my apt yesterday. im currently kickin it in my undies in the comfort of an empty home in lamecaster. NO i did not move back to the parents house, im simply dropping off all of my belongings before i start the tedious task of living out of my car and searching for a new place. a cheap one. i still want to move to portland. but fate has thrown yet another curveball my way in the form of a sweetass new position at work. i really do love where i work. i feel so lucky to have come across something i actually enjoy doing and being surrounded by people that i feel are more like me for once. ew gawd enough chessy cheesiness.
i wanna take up dance again. working out just doesnt suit me. and gawd knows dieting has never agreed with me. im gonna start shopping around for a good studio where i can get my groove on. any suggestions?
i talked things over with dana cuh and we decided a trip to lake mohave in AZ would help keep the demons at bay for a while. i will now begin the planning. who else wants ta come with??? come on... we're gonna do it up whitetrash style complete with the rental pontoon boat and bright orange lifevests!!!! how can u resist???
someone buy me a seahorse. i want one soooo incredibly bad!!!
sea.Sea lovess you
i officially moved out of my apt yesterday. im currently kickin it in my undies in the comfort of an empty home in lamecaster. NO i did not move back to the parents house, im simply dropping off all of my belongings before i start the tedious task of living out of my car and searching for a new place. a cheap one. i still want to move to portland. but fate has thrown yet another curveball my way in the form of a sweetass new position at work. i really do love where i work. i feel so lucky to have come across something i actually enjoy doing and being surrounded by people that i feel are more like me for once. ew gawd enough chessy cheesiness.
i wanna take up dance again. working out just doesnt suit me. and gawd knows dieting has never agreed with me. im gonna start shopping around for a good studio where i can get my groove on. any suggestions?
i talked things over with dana cuh and we decided a trip to lake mohave in AZ would help keep the demons at bay for a while. i will now begin the planning. who else wants ta come with??? come on... we're gonna do it up whitetrash style complete with the rental pontoon boat and bright orange lifevests!!!! how can u resist???
someone buy me a seahorse. i want one soooo incredibly bad!!!
sea.Sea lovess you
Stephanie!!! Don't move away to Portland!!
That's too far away. We need to hangout again girll. Hope all has been well.