So I have a new Blue Tongue Skink, he is very cool!
Lets see school is going alright, I NEED to go to class more. Somehow it is hard to find motivation with my dad being sick. I know that it is my future that I should be taking care of, but its not easy. I've been smoking bud way too much. I've pretty much smoked an 1/8 a day for at least 2 years. Im trying to quit cold turkey, hopefully that will let me deal with life a little more clearly. It is really not that easy, I know that it isn't physically addictive, but I feel withdrawal. I have been very irritable lately. Wish me luck with this endeavor.
Lets see school is going alright, I NEED to go to class more. Somehow it is hard to find motivation with my dad being sick. I know that it is my future that I should be taking care of, but its not easy. I've been smoking bud way too much. I've pretty much smoked an 1/8 a day for at least 2 years. Im trying to quit cold turkey, hopefully that will let me deal with life a little more clearly. It is really not that easy, I know that it isn't physically addictive, but I feel withdrawal. I have been very irritable lately. Wish me luck with this endeavor.