Time has developed a sort of fitful, jerky quality for me lately ... moving in inconsistent starts and stops. One long night of introspection will seem to last forever, and then I blink and a week has gone by. I feel like I am getting old.
Pretty soon I will have been single for a year. A whole year. Don't get me wrong, I am not in any way complaining. I've always been strong-willed and self-disciplined, but this is something that always gave me trouble. I am incredibly proud of myself, incredibly proud of my self-control and wisdom. I feel like I've somehow managed to beat the system.
Well, I got some shit to do, and then I am heading out for a bit. Maybe when I get back I will write some more.
Oh, I downloaded "Shutter" the other day. It was incredibly disappointing.
Pretty soon I will have been single for a year. A whole year. Don't get me wrong, I am not in any way complaining. I've always been strong-willed and self-disciplined, but this is something that always gave me trouble. I am incredibly proud of myself, incredibly proud of my self-control and wisdom. I feel like I've somehow managed to beat the system.
Well, I got some shit to do, and then I am heading out for a bit. Maybe when I get back I will write some more.
Oh, I downloaded "Shutter" the other day. It was incredibly disappointing.
Im not sure if Im 100% surprised or not at all that you've "lasted" that long.
Although you are pretty dependent when you want to be you have very high standards (in a sick sort of never attainable so always disappointed way). But it sounds like your just asexual lately, not even a matter of standards, which is healthy sometimes, but probably is perpetuating the loss of any last bits of usefulness you thought women still had. hahaha.
But then again, you could just be a angry old man... XD hehehe.
No, not open in the promiscuous way, open in the if I like a girl, and he likes the girl, and she likes us, (Im talking not just physically) we're "open" to the idea of a serious exclusive polygamous relationship. But its nearly impossible for the situation to work and our standards are really high, and we're not really looking for it either, just not against it. Really haven't changed in that respect, I was bi before I met you, Ive always found girls much more physically attractive then guys, I just only have the capacity to really "love" guys. if it wasn't for jealousy and insecurity I would have always been open to it, if you love someone and trust someone, and know they love you, and are fully aware and open about everything, its not a threatening as you'd think...but like I said not really looking for it or intrested, but since me and him already experienced it with our X girlfriend Kaitlyn for several months, and have a stronger relationship for it, we know its something we're capable of doing in a healthy way. I thought I got into this with you already though.
yea SG is a tad glitchy time to time
thank yew :]