this is in response to MELITTA'S JOURNAL entry. i thought she had a good point.
When you are right you are right. it is interesting that the degradation of society continues and nothing seems to be being done about it. Humanity as a whole has reached for greed and laziness. Technology and comfort instead of the things that we need. Like manors and common sense. It is as if we all think the only thing that matters is ourselves. How juvenile can we get?
It saddens me to think of the way women are treated by men today. There are only a few of us left who have any manors what so ever. Even worse is the men that use their manors to get what they want and then forget them totally.
I would be lying if I said I did not find women to be sexual sensual creatures. The most beautiful things ever created, and that I did not think about sex about ever 5 seconds every day, but that does not stop me from having manors and giving women the respect they deserve.
But you are also right that women also have lost manors and common sense. Some women do not speak out against such actions, some do not care, and then you have those who revel in it who use it to gain what they want in life not thinking of what they are actually doing to the image men have of women. They have to understand that their actions affect not only them but the world around them as well.
So where do we start to fix a problem this huge where do we start to come back to our senses. I have to say human education.
What is human education simple; stop letting kids have babies, stop forgetting promises, start letting parents be parents again, We as a society have been to lax with the children of the past three generations, and it is only going to get worse if we do not stop and say enough is enough.
Common sense and manors start at home, and unfortunately most homes now a days are broken battered and non-functional.
As for the comments EbbnFlowsaid made about get over it so untrue. it should bother people that others cannot control themselves enough to keep rude comments to themselves. So it does my heart good to see that not everyone has become so jaded by the world today that nothing bothers them, but that day is coming if we continue to do nothing.
When you are right you are right. it is interesting that the degradation of society continues and nothing seems to be being done about it. Humanity as a whole has reached for greed and laziness. Technology and comfort instead of the things that we need. Like manors and common sense. It is as if we all think the only thing that matters is ourselves. How juvenile can we get?
It saddens me to think of the way women are treated by men today. There are only a few of us left who have any manors what so ever. Even worse is the men that use their manors to get what they want and then forget them totally.
I would be lying if I said I did not find women to be sexual sensual creatures. The most beautiful things ever created, and that I did not think about sex about ever 5 seconds every day, but that does not stop me from having manors and giving women the respect they deserve.
But you are also right that women also have lost manors and common sense. Some women do not speak out against such actions, some do not care, and then you have those who revel in it who use it to gain what they want in life not thinking of what they are actually doing to the image men have of women. They have to understand that their actions affect not only them but the world around them as well.
So where do we start to fix a problem this huge where do we start to come back to our senses. I have to say human education.
What is human education simple; stop letting kids have babies, stop forgetting promises, start letting parents be parents again, We as a society have been to lax with the children of the past three generations, and it is only going to get worse if we do not stop and say enough is enough.
Common sense and manors start at home, and unfortunately most homes now a days are broken battered and non-functional.
As for the comments EbbnFlowsaid made about get over it so untrue. it should bother people that others cannot control themselves enough to keep rude comments to themselves. So it does my heart good to see that not everyone has become so jaded by the world today that nothing bothers them, but that day is coming if we continue to do nothing.
Hey what's up? How you been doing? I really enjoyed my vacation time. It was just what I needed: amazing food, a nice tan, laying out by the water, getting free drinks, seeing the sights. It was truly lovely. So what have you been up to lately?