But no the reason I stopped art class so soon was I had to work about 93 to 95 hours the past two weeks and it starts to wear and there was no time for class. I am doing four different peoples jobs at work and it has come to the point where I had to catch up. In about three weeks they are going to hire some help for me till then I will be lucky to see the sun.
However starting this weekend I will have time to start my summer project. I have selected 50 very beautiful women from SG and I am going to draw them. Once I get each drawing finished it will be going to the person I drew and if they approve then I will post them, But only if they approve! So if the fates are with me by the end of summer I should have posted 50 women. My first one should be in for review by Friday of next week. I then plan on doing five a week after that, and lets hope the gorgeous women of this website are as generous then as they have been now by even allowing me the honor of drawing them. Let me tell you picking the 50 was hard work I am still thinking there will be more added, but right now I am shooting for 50. Then I have to choice which poses to use to draw. And you all have seen these sets I mean WoW! Ok so some were easier to choice then others because there was one or two pictures that really stood out. But most of them were like ouch which one which one. Anyway I look forward to hearing first from the ladies I draw what they thought of my work, and is it good enough or do they like it enough to show you all. Then hearing what you think of my work. So kisses and hugs to all of you and nibbles to the women that have allowed me to draw them. Bites come later. You have to be really good to get those!!!!!!

cant wait for my drawing