So I was very hurt yesterday when i could not get into SG. it was like a small part was ripped out, so is this what addiction feels like or the withdrawal part of one feels like. It was like my brain was screaming for inspiration and I could not give it any. By the end of the summer I should have my new drawing portfolio ready for viewing thanks to the beautiful Gorgeous sexy women of SG. Many of you have said yes to my pleas and I thank you. I am still going through the rest of the list to see if there are any others I believe to be worthy of drawing, and let me tell ya there are Many Many Many, but before I show you all my portfolio. I would give you the names of the women, but then I would have to kill you and that gets all messy. The finished works must be approved by the women that I am drawing until that time there names will not be shown. Just a policy I have. just like asking before I even draw them. Anyway I have had my fix for the morning I am ready to go back to work. And do some more serious drawing when i get home. Once again thank you ladies for being so generous. *Nibbles* to all! The *Bites* I save for after the drawings are ready to show.

I was sooooo bored while the site was gone. I was going crazy.
I was feeling it too