Thanks for the kind words, everyone... I think things will likely work out. But then again, I have low standards for general success in life.
I've been sitting here listening to a lot of music... Antipop Consortium... then Antony and the Johnsons... and now At the Drive In. Aren't the intimacies of my music listening career interesting?
Heh. Heh. check out this educational film strip about sniffing glue and the dangers of pills...
I saw Battle Royale for the first time last night. What an amazing movie. The ultraviolence... fucking wow. It struck me as such a remarkably precise critique of Japanese youth culture... and with spurting blood. Yeah.
I am currently very much in love with Eikoh's work. I'm now on a quest to read something by Mishima, an author who has caught my interest as being a 20th century homosexual writer who actually committed seppoku in the 1970s... fucking intense, man (to oversimplify)...
This is very beautiful. I'd awfully rock it if someone got the book for me... word? Word...
I'm going to be living in the same place next year I think, which is a welcome relief. I've moved so many times in my life that staying in one place will be wonderful. Maybe I'll be able to cultivate a sense of home.
I'm scared to say it, but I think that the trailer for episode three looked awfully good. Maybe it's the overwhelming bleakness/asskicking ls action that was going on in the trailer, but I'm actually looking forward to it. Attitudes can change...
I think I may be developing RSI from knitting. Suggestions? Comments? Beuller? Buel-- oh, sod it all.
I spent much longer today than is considered healthy fixating in an erotic sense over the idea of enjoying stolen art. I don't know -- it sounds absolutely ridiculous. BUt I was just thinking... that if someone has constructed an aesthetic monument in order to enjoy it, and i could... take that experience and make it solely mine, all of the sensual pleasure of an unecessary object... oh oh oh... the hairs on my arms stood up and I breathed in a very shallow manner.
(This discounts a great region of art, of course... conceptual art doesn't fall under the same umbrella. I'm thinking of very stratified, rigid conceptions of art. Lots of dead white men... I want to keep a Vermeer in my closet and stare it at in the night.)
Would you like a free photo ipod (and live in the us or canada)? You should follow this link.
A 20 gig ipod, 6 gig ipod mini or another mp3 player? Use this link.
Wot about a digital camera?
I've been sitting here listening to a lot of music... Antipop Consortium... then Antony and the Johnsons... and now At the Drive In. Aren't the intimacies of my music listening career interesting?
Heh. Heh. check out this educational film strip about sniffing glue and the dangers of pills...
I saw Battle Royale for the first time last night. What an amazing movie. The ultraviolence... fucking wow. It struck me as such a remarkably precise critique of Japanese youth culture... and with spurting blood. Yeah.
I am currently very much in love with Eikoh's work. I'm now on a quest to read something by Mishima, an author who has caught my interest as being a 20th century homosexual writer who actually committed seppoku in the 1970s... fucking intense, man (to oversimplify)...

This is very beautiful. I'd awfully rock it if someone got the book for me... word? Word...
I'm going to be living in the same place next year I think, which is a welcome relief. I've moved so many times in my life that staying in one place will be wonderful. Maybe I'll be able to cultivate a sense of home.
I'm scared to say it, but I think that the trailer for episode three looked awfully good. Maybe it's the overwhelming bleakness/asskicking ls action that was going on in the trailer, but I'm actually looking forward to it. Attitudes can change...
I think I may be developing RSI from knitting. Suggestions? Comments? Beuller? Buel-- oh, sod it all.
I spent much longer today than is considered healthy fixating in an erotic sense over the idea of enjoying stolen art. I don't know -- it sounds absolutely ridiculous. BUt I was just thinking... that if someone has constructed an aesthetic monument in order to enjoy it, and i could... take that experience and make it solely mine, all of the sensual pleasure of an unecessary object... oh oh oh... the hairs on my arms stood up and I breathed in a very shallow manner.
(This discounts a great region of art, of course... conceptual art doesn't fall under the same umbrella. I'm thinking of very stratified, rigid conceptions of art. Lots of dead white men... I want to keep a Vermeer in my closet and stare it at in the night.)
Would you like a free photo ipod (and live in the us or canada)? You should follow this link.
A 20 gig ipod, 6 gig ipod mini or another mp3 player? Use this link.
Wot about a digital camera?
Thanks for the luck!
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