These and more new units in my photography folder. Word!
Spring break -- not really too much of a break, actually. I still have ever so much to do... it's hard to prioritize when I'm suddenly stripped of PRESSURE and deadLINES.
I'm at a very difficult point in my current, long term relationship right now. God speed, little cheese doodle... sigh. I don't know if I should regret many people with whom I did not sleep...
But that is just ridiculous. Oh, damn, I am going to hold on to love.
FINALLY sat down toda and read most of Kafka On the Shore. It's funny, after a while, my mind forgets how to simply read and absorb in a lovely and passive way... getting lost in text is a fading art.
I just received Gerhard Richter: 40 Years of Painting in the mail. It is very sumptuous. Sumptuous is a good word when describing beautiful books.
I wonder, sometimes, if I'm making the right decisions...
I fell asleep on Thursday night very much wishing I had done something different. Besides the paper...
Last Friday, I somehow began warm and sunny and full of satisfaction, and then I ended up on the Oregon coast feeling cold and vaguely ripped off, wishing very hard that I was sitting next to someone else. And then I got home and that feeling of being ripped off intensified, before I passed out. There is something very precious about the time after I turn in all of my work for the semester, and I feel that lost it...
I suspect that I am not really absorbing as much as I could out of life. Why am I not more passive? And really, am I making the right decisions?
I possess absurb amounts of doubt right now. I don't even fully understand it, myself.
Would you like a free photo ipod (and live in the us or canada)? You should follow this link.
A 20 gig ipod, 6 gig ipod mini or another mp3 player? Use this link.
Wot about a digital camera?
I love your photographs, hot stuff. I'm sorry you're feeling crappy. We should hang out this week, especially since I have a CAR for the week. Well, ok, so it's a pick-up truck, but the concept's the same. If I were in town, I'd totally give you way more hugs than you're comfortable with and make you feel better.

Thanks! I took that shot to play with aperature settings ^^