To quote a certain 21th century emissary of cool, 'celebrate the 14th!'
Yes. that involves masturbation and reading something commonly assigned to11th graders in AP English...
No, I'm not alluding to anything in specific, although 'The Scarlet Letter' and 'Catcher in the Rye' both popped into my head.
I went to this great Thai restaraunt on Belmont last night. The 'hook' of the place is that it's in an unadvertised house (albeit on a commercial street), and once inside, there is only one waiter, and his wife is the only chef. So the entire dining experience includes good, subtle-but-flavorful thai food and a scary asian woman shrieking in the background through your entire meal as the waiter keeps running to the kitchen, looking increasingly distressed... it's right next to the Avalon, if you're in the neighborhood. Good experience, albeit stressful for some.
I missed interpol tonight. I've missed them three times so far. The first time, I had a crush on a certain someone and therefore gave them my ticket to the concert. Unfotunately, as of yet he hasn't returned the favor. Oh my angsty heart. (Now, there's a word I used to use a lot...)
I've been crying a LOT lately... full fledged breakdowns three times over the past week, including copious tear-age in-between classes. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me... I'm thinking it might be the bc, but what if tha'ts just an excuse for all of my emotional/physical issues? I hope that this will be a chance to sort it out, once and for all.
I realized today that a primary way that I compose my thoughts during my downtime is via structuring groups of thoughts similarly to a journal entry... with context and a clear narrative. However, I ALWAYS fail to bring that to the actual keyboard. Maybe I suck at... thinking at any further level than the basic one in operation as I floss my teeth.
But I'll just try not to think too hard about it.
I lost my gloves yesterday. They were leather and had rabbit lining. Oh, my little nubby paws!
TheFacebook scares me. Do I REALLY want to see the weird 'relationship' status lines of my exes or the likely-successful faces of the really annoying kids I once tolerated? As a friend remarked earlier this evening, "I wanted to graduate the second I entered high school."
Good riddance!
[Edited on Feb 18, 2005 1:44PM]