MANY thanks to threejane for the wonderful gift a a copy of Murakami's new book, Kafka on the Shore. I promise to feed it, and to walk it, and to tell it meta-fiction every day!
(also: check out the bitchin' new hat that I just knitted! og knitta!)
Watched several excerpts from PBS's documentary (shh! don't laugh!) art:21. The short on Matthew Barney was pretty entertaining, in the sense that it seemed to profile those affected by his work than the man himself...Andrea Zittel was pretty amazing, although my admiration of her lifestyle is tempered by an incredulousness toward its elitism. I can chase that dream of the lone, floating, self-built island for quite a while, though.
I like having someone to come home to. Or at least, who comes home to me every night. What do you think?
Hey kid... want a free ipod shuffle? What about a free photo ipod? I hear the kids these days like digital cameras, too. Won't you, as the tongans say, "Get with the program?"
give me a call 503-209-9679
You look so cute in that hat!