"There is a party... everyone is there... everyone will leave... at exactly the same time." Am I odd for getting up earlier than usual to putter around, to get started on my reading for Thursday, and to listen to the Talking Heads on repeat?
Well, yeah, I know that there are some communities exclusively involved in this sort of stuff, but still. Y'know? Like Goa Gil, but with bigger suits.
I've a presentation (why, the very first in the class, for the prof's very first teaching job) in Mesopotamian architecture today. Of course, true to the abstract pile of liberalism that I am (and of which composes my college), the entire presentation centers around 19th century constructs of 'Mesopotamia' rather than actually focusing on any sorts of cool buildings... I think that that sort of extraneous information comes later on in this semester.
Went down to the riverfront and shot several rolls of pictures. Unfortunately, my favorite roll was fogged (stupid chemical reactions). Oh well. I figure I can... 'artistic-ifiy' it SOMEHOW, y'know? (Prepares to photoshop it into artistic legitimacy)
I got back a paper from postmodernism. The prof comments noted that it was 'the best work (I've) ever done for (him)'. Since I've taken four classes with him, that was really validating. My schedule this semester actually isn't too bad... the only 400-level in art history, a non-western, language & photography. However, I'm already stressing about my qualifying exam... 10 days to write a paper, and then I'm subject to an oral defense of my work in front of about 4 profs. *hopefully* I'll pass and be allowed to continue on to senior year... well, it's not that nervewracking, is that?
Murakami's latest book is being released and the New York Times book review gave it a pretty favorable evaluation. Would anyone like to help me out? I promise that I will actually drop all of my fucking schoolwork to read something outside of thick-as-molasses theory for one.
Walter Benjamin did HELL of DRUGS! (Sorry, that's one of those random little statements that I need to exclaim but really shouldn't say aloud in class... kind of like 'The only reason anyone ever bought a Jeff Koons was because cocaine was big in the 80's.')
I'm sorry, but how else can one defend the existence of THIS???
So, remember freeipods.com, from whence i received my awesome ipod (see albums for pics?) They also have freeipodshuffle.com and you only need 3 referrals to get one. I really want to get one of these for a friend of mine... so any help would be appreciated.
Also in the free front, Cameras4free. has high end digital cameras, and these offers are open to Canadians & US citizens alike
MP3 players 4 free. These offer more choices than the 20 gig ipod (iriver, for instance), for the same number of referrals
pvps4free. 40 gig photo ipods and portable dvd players
Well, yeah, I know that there are some communities exclusively involved in this sort of stuff, but still. Y'know? Like Goa Gil, but with bigger suits.
I've a presentation (why, the very first in the class, for the prof's very first teaching job) in Mesopotamian architecture today. Of course, true to the abstract pile of liberalism that I am (and of which composes my college), the entire presentation centers around 19th century constructs of 'Mesopotamia' rather than actually focusing on any sorts of cool buildings... I think that that sort of extraneous information comes later on in this semester.
Went down to the riverfront and shot several rolls of pictures. Unfortunately, my favorite roll was fogged (stupid chemical reactions). Oh well. I figure I can... 'artistic-ifiy' it SOMEHOW, y'know? (Prepares to photoshop it into artistic legitimacy)
I got back a paper from postmodernism. The prof comments noted that it was 'the best work (I've) ever done for (him)'. Since I've taken four classes with him, that was really validating. My schedule this semester actually isn't too bad... the only 400-level in art history, a non-western, language & photography. However, I'm already stressing about my qualifying exam... 10 days to write a paper, and then I'm subject to an oral defense of my work in front of about 4 profs. *hopefully* I'll pass and be allowed to continue on to senior year... well, it's not that nervewracking, is that?
Murakami's latest book is being released and the New York Times book review gave it a pretty favorable evaluation. Would anyone like to help me out? I promise that I will actually drop all of my fucking schoolwork to read something outside of thick-as-molasses theory for one.
Walter Benjamin did HELL of DRUGS! (Sorry, that's one of those random little statements that I need to exclaim but really shouldn't say aloud in class... kind of like 'The only reason anyone ever bought a Jeff Koons was because cocaine was big in the 80's.')

So, remember freeipods.com, from whence i received my awesome ipod (see albums for pics?) They also have freeipodshuffle.com and you only need 3 referrals to get one. I really want to get one of these for a friend of mine... so any help would be appreciated.
Also in the free front, Cameras4free. has high end digital cameras, and these offers are open to Canadians & US citizens alike
MP3 players 4 free. These offer more choices than the 20 gig ipod (iriver, for instance), for the same number of referrals
pvps4free. 40 gig photo ipods and portable dvd players
That statue is an abomination, and everyone who had any input at all in its creative process needs to be burned alive, then have their skin peeled off, get an acid bath, and then be coated in honey and tied out for the ants.