5:17 already? Aw man.
Tonight was lovely, but rather strange. I hung out with a group of friends and we had a birthday party in celebration of Lewis Carroll's birthday... if he were alive, he'd be 173 years old. Decrepit! I was aware of several signficiant events going on tonight, but I didn't go to any of them, leaving me with a strong curosity to know exactly what sort of shits hit the fan. Y'know what I'm saying?
This weekend will be a lot of work. One of my profs this semester is new, and although he seems like a really nice man, he has unrealistic expectations as to the capacities of our college's vast... vast... vast resources, which has backed up information flow a bit. Oh well... I suppose that essays about the orientalizing revisioning of Mesopotamian architecture will wait around.
(Further research has led me to discover that the work is online. Awww right!)
Friday nights are so strange. I'm glad I didn't drink tonight. It's really weird to realize that on a given friday night, in a social venue, there are so many completely bizarre and fucked up situations going on... I mean, SERIOUSLY!
It's strange... with every year I pass here, I see more and more people go through cycles, burn out... one thing is for certain: there are wayyy too many self destructive people here, with lots and lots of money. Blarh.
On the upside, I spent the later part of this evening watching Kurosawa's Throne of Blood. That was such an amazing movie. The ability to completely shift Macbeth into a completely new culture, accenting the individualities of samurai time... amazing. (This also comes on the heels of watching Samurai Jack the other evening, one of the most aesthetically sure tv shows out there).
This is a really dry journal entry. I wish I could write down half of the things that I'm actually thinking.
But rest assured, I had a lot of good thoughts tonight.
Tonight was lovely, but rather strange. I hung out with a group of friends and we had a birthday party in celebration of Lewis Carroll's birthday... if he were alive, he'd be 173 years old. Decrepit! I was aware of several signficiant events going on tonight, but I didn't go to any of them, leaving me with a strong curosity to know exactly what sort of shits hit the fan. Y'know what I'm saying?
This weekend will be a lot of work. One of my profs this semester is new, and although he seems like a really nice man, he has unrealistic expectations as to the capacities of our college's vast... vast... vast resources, which has backed up information flow a bit. Oh well... I suppose that essays about the orientalizing revisioning of Mesopotamian architecture will wait around.
(Further research has led me to discover that the work is online. Awww right!)
Friday nights are so strange. I'm glad I didn't drink tonight. It's really weird to realize that on a given friday night, in a social venue, there are so many completely bizarre and fucked up situations going on... I mean, SERIOUSLY!
It's strange... with every year I pass here, I see more and more people go through cycles, burn out... one thing is for certain: there are wayyy too many self destructive people here, with lots and lots of money. Blarh.
On the upside, I spent the later part of this evening watching Kurosawa's Throne of Blood. That was such an amazing movie. The ability to completely shift Macbeth into a completely new culture, accenting the individualities of samurai time... amazing. (This also comes on the heels of watching Samurai Jack the other evening, one of the most aesthetically sure tv shows out there).
This is a really dry journal entry. I wish I could write down half of the things that I'm actually thinking.
But rest assured, I had a lot of good thoughts tonight.
lewis carroll bday party? awesome. my fiance called me that morning just to tell me about his bday

Well, the shit that hit the fan in MY neck o' the woods was DT5Mil type shit. I went and smoked up like an idiot, even though I was still sick. I danced with a bunch of people for around 4 hours. Some assholes came and tried to start a bunch of fights. CSOs were called, they resisted, yada, yada, yada. I went home at 3 in the morning when I started feeling all kinds of sick. Now I am at home (yes, HOME home) resting up, because I have poor judgement.