my apartment looks like a hurricane just rampaged through it. most all of it is trash left over from rummaging through things.
i've kept really more than i should. the storage space is full, and there's still a little bit here or there that i would have preferred go into a box in storage rather than in boxes that will have to be sent to me as soon as i have a place for them to be sent, but i can't really help that now.
i will really miss one thing up here, and that's nothing. or, to be more precise, the lack of something. sound. it doesn't take much time at all to drive somewhere where you can get away with all the noises our wonder future living makes. it's sooooooooooo nice. i didn't take advantage of that enough.
oh well, i'm moving to a place that actually has stuff to do in town. too many places up here dried up and closed shop.
i've kept really more than i should. the storage space is full, and there's still a little bit here or there that i would have preferred go into a box in storage rather than in boxes that will have to be sent to me as soon as i have a place for them to be sent, but i can't really help that now.
i will really miss one thing up here, and that's nothing. or, to be more precise, the lack of something. sound. it doesn't take much time at all to drive somewhere where you can get away with all the noises our wonder future living makes. it's sooooooooooo nice. i didn't take advantage of that enough.
oh well, i'm moving to a place that actually has stuff to do in town. too many places up here dried up and closed shop.
Just the idea of George Clooney as Batman is enough for me to want to throw small furniture around, never mind the fact that it was pretty much the worst movie ever. Nipples and all!