pre-preparation preparations are progressing splendidly.
also, Moleskine makes these awesome little city notebooks that are fucking amazing. i just bought one for Seattle, and it is filled with cool shit. like weights, measures, and clothing sizes conversion tables. and MAPS! it's got maps of the place it's about in it!
i love Moleskines. i have a "bad" habit of buying a bunch of them for no real reason at the time, though i do make use of them, almost always.
also, Moleskine makes these awesome little city notebooks that are fucking amazing. i just bought one for Seattle, and it is filled with cool shit. like weights, measures, and clothing sizes conversion tables. and MAPS! it's got maps of the place it's about in it!
i love Moleskines. i have a "bad" habit of buying a bunch of them for no real reason at the time, though i do make use of them, almost always.
It's ridiculous, I know.
edited to add:
Oh, and I wandered over to your blog because this made me laugh.