damnit. sometimes i really hate when minor patches that don't affect me come thru the pipe for WoW. they reset all my Auctioneer and related add-ons' data. that's right, i play the Auction House. i like it. i'm pretty good at it. for instance, before this morning, i was sitting on a good suply of mageweave cloth that i bought up cheap and was making good money on it (undercutting the average, as always. driving up prices only bites my other characters in the ass), but now that the patch is out, the market for it has dropped out a little, and now i don't know what a safe price for profit on it is. i can guess, but from that guess i might break even, at best.
EDIT: hmm.. seems BeanCounter and Appraiser are working off an on.
EDIT: hmm.. seems BeanCounter and Appraiser are working off an on.
I hated the new patch release just before my account expired (I really need to get it up and running again). Auctioneer wasn't working correctly at all and it was driving me nuts. In fact, half of my add-ons that I had hadn't been updated yet and I just can't cope without the comfort of my add-ons. I stopped playing until they released the new versions of them.
Of course, then Is started playing again just in time for my credit card to expire. When I tried putting my new one in the website kept screwing up. Bastards.