i have been of the mind to take a dislike or disinterest in things my friends in the non-digital medium get enthusiastic about. just to be ornery and contrary, i guess. movies, music, shows, games, whatever.
so what do you guys like that's out/hip/stupid/poppin' fresh right now? tell me. and then imagine me telling you it sucks or is really uninteresting and/or boring. if i feel especially moved to do so, i might actually convey that to you personally.
(gods, i'm bored)
so what do you guys like that's out/hip/stupid/poppin' fresh right now? tell me. and then imagine me telling you it sucks or is really uninteresting and/or boring. if i feel especially moved to do so, i might actually convey that to you personally.
(gods, i'm bored)
I loved No Country for Old Men ****1/2, Juno ****, Waitress **** and Once **** ..
Yes, indeed it is.