anybody else watch The Science of Gigantism? the, well, pardon me if it's not right to call her this, but the sound of the giant woman's voice? i have a co-worker that sometimes sounds like that. only, she's maybe 5'7" and 120-130 lbs.
i think she's sometimes under the control of an Old One, or one of their spawn. normally, she's got this hugely high-pitched and chipper voice. which goes along with the fact that she (at least used to) guzzle Red Bull and bounced off walls.
every once in a while, though... she'll just be staring at something random, not moving. and when you ask her something, she slowly turns to fix this gaze that can only be described and Lovecraftian on you and admonishes you for interrupting her in a voice that would give James Earl Jones a run for his money. sometimes her voice crackles and growls malevolently while she speaks.
i have not encountered her in such a condition, personally, since i learned how to make the Elder Sign with my fingers, though i have prior to gaining said knowledge. i can only hope it will prove effective.
(honestly, i think she's got huge chemical imbalances in her brain and/or is dealing with the ever fun (stupid) cycle of testing the various "anti-depressants" out there, but the above idea is much more fun)
i think she's sometimes under the control of an Old One, or one of their spawn. normally, she's got this hugely high-pitched and chipper voice. which goes along with the fact that she (at least used to) guzzle Red Bull and bounced off walls.
every once in a while, though... she'll just be staring at something random, not moving. and when you ask her something, she slowly turns to fix this gaze that can only be described and Lovecraftian on you and admonishes you for interrupting her in a voice that would give James Earl Jones a run for his money. sometimes her voice crackles and growls malevolently while she speaks.
i have not encountered her in such a condition, personally, since i learned how to make the Elder Sign with my fingers, though i have prior to gaining said knowledge. i can only hope it will prove effective.
(honestly, i think she's got huge chemical imbalances in her brain and/or is dealing with the ever fun (stupid) cycle of testing the various "anti-depressants" out there, but the above idea is much more fun)
Well, if you'd stop interrupting my staring I wouldn't have to try to scare you off. Everyone's a critic. Don't judge me!