holy sweet Jesus H(anuman) Christ, i'm bored. i've just spent the last several hours uninstalling and reinstalling and uninstalling and reinstalling WoW and then patching. and more patching. long hours of patching. because there is a small, new patch that didn't want to install properly at the beginning. i didn't really want to play much at all tonight, honestly. i just wanted to shuffle some money around to start up a pair of guilds for two alts i recently made. <Taller Than A Tree> for Skwissgaar and <Not A Bumblebee> for Tokee. handing out a little cash to then booting the people who helped out.
i'm such a dork.
and i find it highly amusing that the worst hangover i've ever had (one of three, period, mind) was from vodka. the booze that prides itself on doing everything it can to try to eliminate the stuff that causes hangovers. it's for the better, i believe. i think it's bland and lacking character, for the most part, anyway. i'll stick with my single malt scotch and Admiralty approved rum.
i'm such a dork.
and i find it highly amusing that the worst hangover i've ever had (one of three, period, mind) was from vodka. the booze that prides itself on doing everything it can to try to eliminate the stuff that causes hangovers. it's for the better, i believe. i think it's bland and lacking character, for the most part, anyway. i'll stick with my single malt scotch and Admiralty approved rum.