Just resubbed to wow after about a 4 year hiatus. Goodbye Sleeping Pattern :S
Hope youre all having a good time! Keep the Drinks flowing! Happy Holidays :) xxx
Drink will flow tmrw after work :D Wish you happy holidays too ;)
This new layout is so confusing haha ah well! IM BACK YAY!
So hyped! This Weekend goin out in brum for my mates 21st then the following week going to manch for my other mates 21st! We like to party! we like, we like to party! In other news, le job front is poor, Waaa! The new diet and fitness plan is going smoothly though so im chuffed about that, wont see any gains for a few...
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So i lost my wallet on a night out a few weeks back and i cancelled my card the next day after realizing id lost it. Yet someone still managed to buy over 250 quids worth of shit online! Im fucked off! -.- hopefully my bank will be nice and gimme it back 

Ahh that sucks! I'm sure the bank will replace the money that whomever stole your wallet spent, especially if 250 quids isn't a large amount (idk, I hope not cause that sucks even more! :3).
Its not that its a large amount its that its mine! haha i just thought id cancelled my card fast enough waaaa! xD
Im so proud of myself xD I finally got through all the filler and finished watching Naruto! Im now onto Shippuden and im fucking addicted! I dunno if its actually replacing Dragonball z as my fave Cartoon/Anime its soo good haha!
Whooo! I wish I had time to that!
Oh man, the shippuden series is great!!
Sometimes i wonder why i drink haha. you're only gonna piss it up the wall :/ not to mention i lost my wallet last night! Ah well life goes on. 

I love tequila but im starting to realise that tequila don't love me back haha

TITS.... that is all
If your mate jack helped you off an elephant, would you help your mate jack off an elephant?
i am looking for perfect pose of vegeta cuz he will be somewhere next to gohan he will be probly added next to this piece so i am looking for him either kneeling or sitting or something so that he can fit in... you have any idea? 

Fluffy and wrinkly!
So disappointed, waited 8 years for Daft punks new album. Been super hyped all week finally got to listen to it and its shite :'( no fair...