Life is not measure by the number of breaths we take each day, but rather by the number of times our breath is taken away.
Don't Kanye me or I will Chris Brown you and Tiger Woods your mother.

hey everyone, finally got some more pics up on my profile, most of my photos were too big , in the process of resizing them first.
It wasn't just an award. I could have won $1000.
sounds rigged, that is a bummer. well you're gorgeous to all of those that voted for you and i hope you don't need $ to know that. i know money isn't everything but it is really nice, even sweeter when it's free. you are rightfully them out on their b/s
"As stars lean down to kiss you, i lie awake and miss you,
pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere.
'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly, but i'll miss your arms around me,
i'd send a postcard to you dear, 'cause i wish you were here."
pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere.
'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly, but i'll miss your arms around me,
i'd send a postcard to you dear, 'cause i wish you were here."
Just got back from watching Steven Stills perform, was fucking awesome! i just love his guitarmanship and his voice, i was surrounded by a sold out crowd of people twice my age, it was nice to feel young again at a concert, so i did the only rational thing and passed the fucking hash joint around to loosen all the fogies up. other than that...
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If i cannot find any criminals in this town, then i will make people break the law!!
Great plans

i ate a hash cookie a few hours ago............been laying on a pile of pillows on my floor for a while now, listening to folk music in the darkness of my sanctuary. i have come to the conclusion that Alison Krauss officially kicks serious blugr-ass
so..................apparently i signed up for astronaut academy at the local community college because all my teachers are fucking space cadets. the clock mocks me as the endless streams of useless information, and personal info bordering coherent mental rapture, bores me to no avail. it's gonna be a good semester.............i can feel it.
haha that made me giggle. Your pretty funny Sir.
i have a whole barrel of funny, it's self-replenishing, anytime you want to giggle ma'dam, you just let me know.
school starts tomorrow, can't wait! learning is half the battle............and all the fun.
GO JOE!!!!!!!!
GO JOE!!!!!!!!
The meting pot is a delish fondue place 

i like the sound of that, fondue parties rock, especially when it's chocolate and a free-for-all dipping anything in the fridge. everything tastes better if it's smothered in dark chocolate .................or peanut sauce
Yay for sunshine! it's giving the clouds a run for their money today, i believe a hummus picnic is in order, roll your joints and grab your's Bocci Time!!!!!