Thoughts sent to a Tiki Girl as she moves away for good this week (borrowed from the much more eloquent Mike Ness):
Good times come and good times go
I only wish the good times could last a little longer
I think about the good times we had
And why they had to end
So I sit at the edge of my bed
I strum my guitar and I play an outlaw love song
Wonderin' 'bout what your doin' now
And when your comin' back
Good times come and good times go
I only wish the good times could last a little longer
I think about the good times we had
And why they had to end
So I sit at the edge of my bed
I strum my guitar and I play an outlaw love song
Wonderin' 'bout what your doin' now
And when your comin' back
Will you be in Las Vegas?