well got kicked out of detox the first couple of hours well i kinda kicked myself out when they only gave 10 milagrams fuckers so i got so sick and me and lily flipped before we left and when we got our shit to get well cops flew in from everywhere with guns drawn and yelling in our faces and they pulled me out and lily out with guns at us they grabbed the dope from lily and pumkineater they pushed up against the wall with a fucking gun in his face and i started to cry and of course he screamed like how stupid i was and so we all stayed in jail and they took his car and everything thanks to fdnymedic who got our shit out of his car thanks alot hun so so many hours went by so slow as i got sicker and sicker and i felt so bad for one of my drig dealers who was there with us got caught with 8 bundles and selling charges and bank robbery cash how fucked up he looked so hopelessit makes me hate our system so much he didn't kill anyone and he has to suffer so much and lily is still in there until morning
my baby so i don;t know what the outcome will be im scared
p.s. thanks so much chris for getting our shit out of the car

p.s. thanks so much chris for getting our shit out of the car

no prob bro ya know im there for ya ....

what happened today? give me a call.