leaving for detox tomarrow thaught i got through my detox taking bupanorphine but when that got out my system i got so fucking sick i could not believe it i was cold and twitching and crying and throwing up and shiting at the same time it was te wordt thing i ever exerienced in my life but tomarow i give myself to another addiction of methadone i guess thats what the government does to keep a track on you or something or make you a slave to thier drugs hopefully i wont be so sick through this process im scared i hate institutions from being practicly raisedf in them i thought i was free when i got kicked out of states custody but now im going back again i hate feeling stuck wish me luck yall and send me good energy i need all i can get im realy nervous its so much more easier it feels like to just keep doing dope but i know i have to do it to be free im realy scared though please send me some positive energy

good luck