OMG!!! Did anyone out there watch House last night? Ass grabbing fun times!!
Yeah anyways, not much to update, my chest hurts like I have a really bad sunburn, and I'm obsessed with House, but who didn't already know that?
Anyone know anything about converting video files, I'm trying to make a video with Microsoft Movie Maker and i'm having issues.
Happy Hump Day!!!
Edited to add: I don't know who I like more Hugh or Lisa, but they're both giving me a femi-boner, is that wrong?!
"Sex and socks, tons of it about and I just don't seem to be getting any".
1.someone gets sick
2.they try to fix the
3.they make it worse
4. they bicker about who will save the patients life
5.they save them just in the nic of time and house takes some vicodin.