as always it takes a few weeks for me to update my blog.bad Dalton lol. Only reason for this is limited access to the site and this site is pretty slow lol.why is that?
Well since last I said anything a lot has happenedas usual
Im out of the Mr SA 2010 racedidnt make the finals as didnt do enough to generate publicity and more importantly funds for the MR SA charity of their choicenamely Onshuistrust. Its all good thoughwas cool to have been selected for semi-finals lol.
Last month I hit CT for SIXlots of ink, beautiful girls and talented artists. Hmmm was wicked, could have been better if I got some new ink myself lol. So if I compare it to last years Id have to say last years was better for that reason only.
While I was down I got to see my beautiful lil girlshes 4 months old now and oh so adorable. So I lined myself 2 interviews up for when I was down and landed one I start my new job in the mother city come 1 March too amped.
Soooooo my days here in Durbs are coming to an end with wednes\ being my last working day.then I drive down to CT with what ever I can fit in my car on the Thursdaynot looking forward to the drive down.going to be killer loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.bleh. but the it will be worth the drive once Im down
I <3 Durbanbut CT here we come looking forward to itbig time.
Well since last I said anything a lot has happenedas usual
Im out of the Mr SA 2010 racedidnt make the finals as didnt do enough to generate publicity and more importantly funds for the MR SA charity of their choicenamely Onshuistrust. Its all good thoughwas cool to have been selected for semi-finals lol.
Last month I hit CT for SIXlots of ink, beautiful girls and talented artists. Hmmm was wicked, could have been better if I got some new ink myself lol. So if I compare it to last years Id have to say last years was better for that reason only.
While I was down I got to see my beautiful lil girlshes 4 months old now and oh so adorable. So I lined myself 2 interviews up for when I was down and landed one I start my new job in the mother city come 1 March too amped.
Soooooo my days here in Durbs are coming to an end with wednes\ being my last working day.then I drive down to CT with what ever I can fit in my car on the Thursdaynot looking forward to the drive down.going to be killer loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.bleh. but the it will be worth the drive once Im down
I <3 Durbanbut CT here we come looking forward to itbig time.