usual it's been ages since i've posted a blog or been on about wasting ones money...the ZAR doesn't go far so i should in theory be milking my time on here lol.
We'll i bowed to pressure from friends and officialy entered the MR South Africa competition...hahahahaha fk what a joke...we all know the calibre of clean-cut muscle men with strapping good looks and and excellent education haha.
But fuck it....i'm representing hahaha
....and creating recognition for us tattood folk
muwahahaha...who is this freak on stage....hahah fuck we all know i won't make it that far.
As Mr SA i would like to help all starving children, create world peace...wahahaha...fuck that shit...i'll fight for freedom of expression and the right to equality for tattoed folk in the work place...then look at those starving kids
Will keep you all posted...below is the face and body pics i submitted.

I should have maybe sent this one in lol...oooh aaah....freak
We'll i bowed to pressure from friends and officialy entered the MR South Africa competition...hahahahaha fk what a joke...we all know the calibre of clean-cut muscle men with strapping good looks and and excellent education haha.
But fuck it....i'm representing hahaha

As Mr SA i would like to help all starving children, create world peace...wahahaha...fuck that shit...i'll fight for freedom of expression and the right to equality for tattoed folk in the work place...then look at those starving kids

Will keep you all posted...below is the face and body pics i submitted.

I should have maybe sent this one in lol...oooh aaah....freak

thanks hun

hehe, good luck with that, the other shiny copper guys will freak out, haha.