Hmmmmmm Amsterdam: truelly amazing city
I went with 5 mates for a birthday party and what a time....My mate Pixie turned 23 so we took her on Sat nite to a live sex show....had her pulled up on stage where this women stripped naked and proceeded to write over Pixies stomach using a perm she didn't use her hands but another talented part of her anatomy
I also got pulled up for a banana eating show...funny shit...
The weed...well out of this world....i would def go back again...and can't wait to do so.
Well my adventures aint over....i fly out tonite to spend 2 weeks in super stoked.
Well my lovelies...time to go...the next time i log on i'll be home in Sunny South Africa...thats mid March

I went with 5 mates for a birthday party and what a time....My mate Pixie turned 23 so we took her on Sat nite to a live sex show....had her pulled up on stage where this women stripped naked and proceeded to write over Pixies stomach using a perm she didn't use her hands but another talented part of her anatomy

I also got pulled up for a banana eating show...funny shit...
The weed...well out of this world....i would def go back again...and can't wait to do so.
Well my adventures aint over....i fly out tonite to spend 2 weeks in super stoked.
Well my lovelies...time to go...the next time i log on i'll be home in Sunny South Africa...thats mid March

Enjoy the rest of your trip!!
unfortunately I am still in limbo so my set is not up yet, hopefully it won't take too long so keep your eyes open cos it is super hot!!
Hope you are having a rocking time on your travels!