This is a bit of a long story, but I left SGs because I fell in love with a girl and started dating her back in February. She has a son from a previous relationship. I let my SG membership expire and spent all my time with her. Things were great, I fell in love with her more and more every day. Things started going downhill for her, I tried to be there for emotionally. Her ex boyfriend (her son's father) screwed her over financially, she was evicted from her place. She had to live with her mom for a few months during the summer. Then she found another place for herself, I co-signed the application and I lived with her for a few weeks at a time. She moved in to her new place in early October, and since then I was doing everything in my power to help her, even financially. She started to get mean, in every way. When it came to sex, if it took me more than a few seconds to get hard she would flip out and accuse me of thinking she's not attractive. She's cheated on me with her ex, said to my face more than once that she wanted her ex back. Well last Friday (before Christmas) I went to my parents house to wrap some gifts for her and her boy, but on the way back I went to fast around a turn and crashed my car in a ditch. I'm totally fine, but the passenger's side of my car was all dented. I messaged her letting her know, and she was so selfish about it. It was towed out, my dad picked me up. I got a rental car the next Monday. But all day Christmas eve she was messaging me of how much I didn't care and that I didn't want to be around her. Telling me to get my stuff from her place (it's not a lot, just some clothes, movies and books). And to give her my house key back and to take the ring back (I gave her a promise ring on our 6 month anniversary in August). Then the day after Christmas she was begging me to take her back and how sorry she was, and crying. My parents and friends who know her were strongly encouraging me not to take her back. It really really hurts to think about that but I'm not taking her back. It absolutely breaks my heart to see and hear her cry, because I still do love her. She's been begging me to just talk to her, and then she'd give me my stuff back. But I told her once that I will when I'm ready, I don't know when that will be. I've been basically ignoring her ever since. I don't wish anything bad upon her, I really don't. But this is all for the best. She was dragging me down emotionally and financially (she can't afford anything). But anyway, I'm happy to be back on and to see all my favorite girls again but I'm still heartbroken and depressed about leaving my woman, especially right on the holidays and with my car troubles (my insurance company and other people are taking their sweet-ass time with getting it adjusted and then to send it to the body shop). Sorry if this sounded all over the place but that's where my mind is right now, all over the place.