The SGBC Christmas Party was great this year, though with so many people, I found little point in trying to interact with all those I didn't know. I'm at my most sociable in smaller settings and this was hella bigger than last year.
No news happening in my RL, so let's switch to geek/WoW news. I just got my Dark Iron Pally, Flintara, to 26 and right after that solo-ninja'd the smithing hammer for Verigan's Fist from Shadowfang Keep. Stupid elite Worgen taking like a minute to kill each... Stupid class with lack of ranged weaponry and major DPS... But then again, nice class with uber survival skills. I'd never have been able to get that hammer with IH at the same level. Oh, and Nerf Shamans!
PS: check out Firefly and Serenity on DVD if you haven't already. You shan't regret buying them, though I'd be willing to lend my copies out if ya'll are wary.
No news happening in my RL, so let's switch to geek/WoW news. I just got my Dark Iron Pally, Flintara, to 26 and right after that solo-ninja'd the smithing hammer for Verigan's Fist from Shadowfang Keep. Stupid elite Worgen taking like a minute to kill each... Stupid class with lack of ranged weaponry and major DPS... But then again, nice class with uber survival skills. I'd never have been able to get that hammer with IH at the same level. Oh, and Nerf Shamans!
PS: check out Firefly and Serenity on DVD if you haven't already. You shan't regret buying them, though I'd be willing to lend my copies out if ya'll are wary.
I'm leaving the site. I just spend money on a site I barely use, and I think it would be smarter if I spent my money on other things. To the friends I made on here... I'll miss you. You were really cool. Watch for me on the big screen! I'll be there someday soon!
cooome in game!!