Merry Christmas!!
Just finished opening a digital camera, new ugg boots, and a Johhny Cash cd box set. Now it's time to treat the dogs to a walk. Taking the dogs up into the mountains for the day so they can get out of the backyard and have some open space to run and play. Hope everyone is having a great Christmas.
Just finished opening a digital camera, new ugg boots, and a Johhny Cash cd box set. Now it's time to treat the dogs to a walk. Taking the dogs up into the mountains for the day so they can get out of the backyard and have some open space to run and play. Hope everyone is having a great Christmas.

Yes I am hunting mostly deer. Whitetails, but there are also axis, antelope, turkey, and pigs. Merry Christmas to you too!

We do not hunt pigs with dogs and knives. I don't know anyone who does but I am sure people do. I know its illegal to hunt deer with dogs but sense pigs are just pigs and there is no official season on them I suppose they can. Although I wouldn't use a knife on a hog. At least not when I am sober and that thing isn't deathly injured.