Went to a friend's funeral yesterday. The place was absolutely packed, standing room only. It was sad, but it was also great to see that he had touched so many lives in his 31 years of life. After the funeral there was a get together at a local park and it was great to see so many people I have seen in ages. It was like having a high school reunion of sorts for about 10 years worth of graduating classes. After the memorial everybody made their way to the local bar for drinking and dancing. Today we have a memorial paddle out for him at noon. It's sucks that it takes someone dying to get all of these people back together, but it's also a way for all of us to come together to celebrate his life.
More Blogs
Monday Jan 10, 2005
What a Day. Started off by going down Shit Creek on my longboard. T… -
Saturday Jan 08, 2005
Rain, Rain, go away. Another day of rain and no letup in sight. Wel… -
Tuesday Jan 04, 2005
My sister is in town so we all went to dinner at the Palms. Seeing t… -
Sunday Jan 02, 2005
Jeez.....day 2 and I'm still hungover....argh. Got pretty hammered … -
Thursday Dec 30, 2004
another day of rain, which means no work and more time to play. I ju… -
Wednesday Dec 29, 2004
What a day yesterday. I'm working on a newly purchased house that wa… -
Sunday Dec 26, 2004
It's Suday night and I'm getting ready to hit the hay. It was nice h… -
Saturday Dec 25, 2004
Merry Christmas!! Just finished opening presents.....got a digital c… -
Monday Dec 20, 2004
It's going to take 3 days for me to thaw out. I went and checked out… -
Thursday Dec 16, 2004
Wow!! I'm back online again. I didn't realize how dependent I am on …
i was up in m.b. and caucous today, we went up to see my mom. it was a beautiful day and just being by the water makes me happy (weird since we live by in a beach town!). it was funny to read about your trip up there after just getting back! trip out that you mentioned avila because that's my old stomping ground. i say my hometown is s.l.o. because more people know where that is but i lived in a canyon just outside avila until i was 16. me, my brothers and our friends have spent so much time in the water there and i don't ever remember any shark attacks. it seems like the eco-system there is all whacked out since avila was "re-vamped". it's so strange for me to go there now...
thanks for the music tips, i've heard of IZ & will def. check him out along with that radio station you mentioned. hawaiian music is so soothing to me, i look forward to learning more.
take care and give emma a big kiss