What a Day. Started off by going down Shit Creek on my longboard. That was really fun, although all the debris that was being washed out created some navigational hazards. After I got washed out to sea, I surfed this little righthander at the edge of the sandbar for an hour...fun, fun, fun. Came home to find out that the La Conchita hill fell and...
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Rain, Rain, go away. Another day of rain and no letup in sight. Well, there goes my weekend. I'm going to go to work today because I figured it beats sitting on the couch again eating popcorn and ice cream. I'm hoping for no rain next weekend, as there is a race in Victorville.
My sister is in town so we all went to dinner at the Palms. Seeing that I'm the local drunk there on Friday nights, it was no surprise that everyone in there seemed to know me. It took me 10 minutes for me to make it to our table because I had to stop at every other table on the way and chat. I love...
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it def will be a show one shouldn't miss.
i love living in a small town as well.
i like going out and knowing just about everyone.
and what's up with this rain?!?!?!
xo annabelle
i love living in a small town as well.
i like going out and knowing just about everyone.
and what's up with this rain?!?!?!
xo annabelle
Jeez.....day 2 and I'm still hungover....argh. Got pretty hammered Friday night, but it wasn't until I started doing shots that my world fell apart. It got to the point that I knew I was close to passing out so I had to leave. This sucked because I had just started kissing this girl that I've wanted to hook up with, and I'm starting to spin...
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actually a friend guest listed me so i wouldn't know where they sell them yet
sorry that i couldn't be of more help but the minute i hear something i will let you know.

another day of rain, which means no work and more time to play. I just bought a brand new dirtbike today...Honda XR400. I pick it up tomorrow and then once the weather clears up I get to ride, ride, ride....only when the surf is flat, though. No big plans for new years.....probably hang out at The Palms for the usual.
400's a good bike w alot of torque. i would def. do it over the 250 if you don't mind the extra weight.
I only know a few people that have seen DAC, let alone have met him. He's enough of a laid back guy that it wouldn't be that hard to approach him at a show, I suppose. He plays a lot of shows, but usually not in the midwest and especially not Michigan. He's got a shit-ton of fans around here; every crap bar from KZoo to Lansing has DAC in the jukebox and you're more likely to hear that than the REO Speedwagon next to it or any Garth Brooks any day.
What a day yesterday. I'm working on a newly purchased house that was remodeled a couple of months ago. Talk about a nightmare for the new homeowner. Half of the doors were not properly hung, so the house was leaking like a siv. Part of the heater ducting was crushed in attic and so half the house was not getting any heat. The master bedroom...
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Just saw your post in the IBTC thread. I didn't think anyone else on SG had even heard of DAC, let alone would have a tattoo in his honor. I'll admit the man put out some garbage and a lot of people ignore ALL of his music because of it. Nice to meet ya.
It's Suday night and I'm getting ready to hit the hay. It was nice having a 3 day weekend. There were waves all three days, which was a treat. Took the dogs for a walk, although they both found it necessary to roll in a fresh cow patty. Went for a motorcycle ride this afternoon and watched a couple of movies. Not a bad weekend...
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Merry Christmas!!
Just finished opening presents.....got a digital camera, new ugg boots, and a Johhny Cash cd box set. Now it's time to treat the dogs to a walk. Taking the dogs up into the mountains for the day so they can get out of the backyard and have some open space to run and play. Hope everyone is having a great Christmas.
Just finished opening presents.....got a digital camera, new ugg boots, and a Johhny Cash cd box set. Now it's time to treat the dogs to a walk. Taking the dogs up into the mountains for the day so they can get out of the backyard and have some open space to run and play. Hope everyone is having a great Christmas.
Yes I am hunting mostly deer. Whitetails, but there are also axis, antelope, turkey, and pigs. Merry Christmas to you too!
We do not hunt pigs with dogs and knives. I don't know anyone who does but I am sure people do. I know its illegal to hunt deer with dogs but sense pigs are just pigs and there is no official season on them I suppose they can. Although I wouldn't use a knife on a hog. At least not when I am sober and that thing isn't deathly injured.
It's going to take 3 days for me to thaw out. I went and checked out David Allan Coe last night in San Juan Capistrano. I rode the motorcycle and the ride was quite nice going down in the afternoon. The show ended about 11:45 pm and by 1:15am I was frozen solid.....my face was burning and my legs were numb. I stopped in a...
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Wow!! I'm back online again. I didn't realize how dependent I am on the internet until I went two weeks without it. Took the day off tomorrow so I can spend all day at the beach. There's supposed to be waves, and since surfing is more important than working, I must spend the day surfing.
you definitely have your priorities straight.
oh yea, if ya can listen to web radio and youre thinkin about goin to hanalei, check kkcr kauai community radio out. its probably the best radio station in the world. i listen to it all the time. it has eveything and theyre always speakin hawaiian.
It's time for a vacation!!!! Between work and school I am getting way too stressed out. Sometimes I feel like saying F*ck It All, selling all my stuff and moving to Hawaii and being a surf bum again. Life was so simple then......surf, eat, sleep, surf. Then again, I was piss poor then and really couldn't do much beyond surf, eat, and sleep. I'm at...
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yea i checked out other islands, of course oahu. few friends lived in wailua and haleiwa. my older brother lived up pupukea. i loved maui, windmills and of course honolua..my roomate in hanalei is good pals with mark angel that killer shaper in haiku (not like there arent tons of shapers in haiku) but i found you cant beat hanalei. yea, cannons, tunnuels, bobos, kalihiwai (fuck that wave gets so sick) and the bay all around like pinetrees, waikokos, chicken wings, middles (looks like fuckin teahupoo sometimes!) all the rest of north shore insanity like hideaways on a good day, secret beach, and the south side like shipwrecks, acid drops, and of course, pakalas (unfucking-real) countless other breaks with about an eight of the croud of any other island (shhhhhh). man, im goin back this spring. i get to work at the estate right directly in front of cannons (waipuna), my boss an i paddle out when its good its a fuckin dream come true that fuckin wave drives me nuts all hollow and draining and makana right there. dammit ya got me all starry eyed..anyways sorry about the rant. just miss it all, but i get to ride the mountains here while i go to school..if kauai has big waves with less dudes, montana has big mountains with less dudes..but yea, i highly recommend spending as much time as possible in kauai..go to waimea and polihale west side..anyways im sorry to keep bullshittin so much i get excited you know?..keep in touch, yea?
surfed mavs last week...15ft...man, youve got it pretty good!...ive always wanted to try big wave riding, just never got the chance with anyone...yea i hope you do go to kauai. heard its been firing. my buds said they were standing up in kalihiwai last week..which means cannons is going off too..shoots the whole n. shore is on fire im sure..wish i was there so fuckin bad..if you go, check out ke'e beach (end of the road)..if youre lucky the surf will be epic, but either way, its total hawaiian beauty..you got a buddy in hanalei, whats his name? i might know him. if youre in hanalei, ya gotta get the aloha roll at sushi and blues..and i know auntie died, so i dont know if tahiti nui is still there, but see it. there is not a better tiki bar in the world. oh the great nites ive had there..anyways, starry eyed as usual..lemme know how i goes, k?..a hui ho!
What's up with clients who call on Saturday morning at 7:00am and think that you might possibly cancel all your plans for the day to go work a couple of hours at their house. Are they serious? Besides not returning their calls, I'm trying to think of a way to tell them not to call me on weekends unless it is an absolute emergency. I...
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How rude. I cannot believe people have the nerve to call on a Sat, let alone 7AM, esp. on a Holiday weekend. People are Crazy!
Well it's good that you don't have a whole lot of stuff to buy.
This year I've decided (mainly because I'm poorer, than poor right now) that I am going to make sugar scrubs, bath gels, shampoos and put them in pretty little glass containers and give to my friends and family.
Well it's good that you don't have a whole lot of stuff to buy.
This year I've decided (mainly because I'm poorer, than poor right now) that I am going to make sugar scrubs, bath gels, shampoos and put them in pretty little glass containers and give to my friends and family.