Quick Update.
Im currently enjoying a week off which started with loads of productivity and hard work but is slowly slipping into alot of DVD watching.
Going to see Atmosphere Thursday night at the Scala! God damn its gonna be good! Gotta be the perfect venue for a group like that. Small enough to get really sweaty.
Wanted to go to brighton in my week off and try out my newest stencil but it doesnt look as if its happening now which sucks.
What also sucks is the fact that i was meant to have a load of flyers advertising my forth coming album and tour ready in time for the atmosphere gig but they arent gonna be ready till Friday! Rubbish.
Oh yeah..... If any of you beautiful people in SG land would like to help me out Id be hugely greatful. Basically im trying to find as many people around the country to send flyers to. Id send you a batch and all you'd have to do is sling them around any local cool places. Pub, clubs, coffee shops, clothes shops, public toilets, brothels, peep shows, public floggings. Anyhting. If any of you would be so kind as to help out sling me ya deatils.
Im currently enjoying a week off which started with loads of productivity and hard work but is slowly slipping into alot of DVD watching.
Going to see Atmosphere Thursday night at the Scala! God damn its gonna be good! Gotta be the perfect venue for a group like that. Small enough to get really sweaty.
Wanted to go to brighton in my week off and try out my newest stencil but it doesnt look as if its happening now which sucks.
What also sucks is the fact that i was meant to have a load of flyers advertising my forth coming album and tour ready in time for the atmosphere gig but they arent gonna be ready till Friday! Rubbish.
Oh yeah..... If any of you beautiful people in SG land would like to help me out Id be hugely greatful. Basically im trying to find as many people around the country to send flyers to. Id send you a batch and all you'd have to do is sling them around any local cool places. Pub, clubs, coffee shops, clothes shops, public toilets, brothels, peep shows, public floggings. Anyhting. If any of you would be so kind as to help out sling me ya deatils.

by the way... i LOVE that westwood review on your promo... funny as fuck!

I'm getting some of the pics sent to me later! I'll be sure to post them up so you can all laught at me